All children 6 months of age and older entering an Arlington County licensed Child Care Facility will be required to provide proof of a negative risk assessment for tuberculosis infection or the results of a Tuberculosis Skin Test (TST).

Updated immunization forms must be submitted every six months for children under 2 years of age (until their second birthday) and annually for children over 2 years old. All children enrolled at the First Baptist Church of Clarendon Child Development Center are required to have and submit proof of an annual physical.

In the interest of the health, safety, welfare and well being of your child in relationship to and with the other children in their same care setting and the FBCC CDC taken as a whole, we ask you to adhere to the following guidelines as policy.

A health screening will be conducted as each child arrives, prior to them joining a larger group of children. If there are indications or present symptoms of illness, the child will not be admitted to school until free of the indications or present symptoms of illness.

If your child has been exposed to any of the diseases and/or illnesses listed below while they are away from the FBCC CDC, we ask that you notify us of the exposure. If your child shows any symptoms indicating illness, you will be called to come and pick up your child within 1 hour of contacting you.

The following guidelines will be used to determine when a child can return to group care after an illness:

  • Chicken Pox - When the last mark has scabbed over and after an inspection by the Assistant Director or a member of the Administrative Team
  • Conjunctivitis - 24 hours after first dosage of medication
  • Diarrhea or Vomiting - 24 hours after last loose stool or no more vomiting
  • Ear Infection - 24 hours after first dosage of medication; if a fever is present, 24 hours after temperature is normal WITHOUT the aid of fever reducing medication
  • Fever - 24 hours after temperature is normal WITHOUT the aid of fever reducing medication
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease - When the last blister is dry and scabbed and there are no more blisters in the mouth and only after an inspection by the Assistant Director or a member of the Administrative Team
  • Head Lice - May not return to school for 24 hours and until a full treatment (generally considered to be 3 applications) has been applied to the head and only after an inspection of the head by the Morning Supervisor or member of the Administrative Team has determined the absence of lice, eggs and larva
  • Strep Throat - 48 hours after first dosage of medication
  • Thrush - 24 hours after first dosage of medication

Please note, the FBCC CDC reserves the right to determine when in the best interest of the health, safety, welfare and well-being of other children enrolled as well as its employees to deny admittance to any child whose Medical Doctor/Professional has deemed the child could return to care during or following treatment.